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The shock has worn off and I’m reflecting on my reaction to the ultrasound yesterday. I sobbed so much I couldn’t talk. Part of me was overjoyed at the prospect of a girl and part of me was disappointed that I’ll never experience a baby boy – because let’s face it, I’ve had enough pregnancies and don’t want anymore!!!

A couple of things scare me – that Justin is disappointed about a girl when he really wanted a boy; that people will say “oh dear, how are you going to cope with 4 girls in your house” and that others will be sad for me because the elusive boy offspring has not materialised. I have to admit that I feel this little girl will make my family complete and perfectly balanced; and how can I resist the urge to think that I’ll have 4 of my best friends with me until I grow old, taking care of me, providing me with lots of granchildren and mothering Justin and I into our elderly years.

Justin’s reaction to the news was full of relief that we have bought this new house. With all the potential girlfriends and boyfriends that 4 daughters will bring home, we’ll need a lot of space!

And now the quest for a name has begun. Any suggestions????

4 thoughts on “today

  1. ooooH!

    Ah well, another addition to the brood is wonderful, irrespective of the sex of those that came before her 🙂

    At least you’ll save on clothing! 🙂

    Happy to hear its all going ok – eagerly await her arrival.

    Has the quest for a name begun yet?

    Sam & Deb.

  2. Fran that is fantastic!!!! How perfect!!!
    Just between you and me {LOL}, if I ‘ever’ fell pregnant {not that I am hoping too} I would want a girl as well, that would make 4 girls for us too.
    Think of all the $$ youll save on clothes – heaven!

    Names??? wow, it took ages for DH and I to agree on names with each of my 3 pregnancies…. have you got a short list?? LOL

  3. Hi Fran! I love names that start with T and end with H – Tenayah, Taylah… lots… and also i LOVE Tamika. GORGEOUS name. you could even put a h on the end of it to be Tamikah if you wanted to! LOL!

  4. xxx
    There are lots of upsides, aren’t there.
    Names, hmmm … how about Eibhleann?! LOL

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