Ultrasound Results are in. It’s a……..

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Four daughters. Who would have imagined? Wow. I still can’t believe it.

I think I need to lie down 🙂 I also think that I must be one of the luckiest people in the whole world. I got my dream home and I will have another beautiful daughter soon. A daughter who will have 3 doting big sisters, a daughter who will make me smile and call me Mummy and a daughter who will be my friend for the rest of my life.

Yes I think I am the luckiest person around.

6 thoughts on “Ultrasound Results are in. It’s a……..

  1. AND…..she will have the coolest Auntie to come and visit in Melbourne!
    I am hoping that she will have curly hair and a loud laugh!!!

    love Aunty Kate

  2. OMG – surely it’s against our religion to know these sorts of things?! CONGRATULATIONS!! Not only will she have curly hair and a loud laugh – but she should have a rock star name… like Emily!!


  3. Congratulations Fran! She is going to be so lucky – just ask my sister Claire (the youngest of four girls). There will be such a great sense of sisterhood in your house and you are a perfect role model of what it is to be a wonderful, amazing, loving woman. xxx

  4. P.S. Wonder what hair colour she will have? After a honey blonde, a redhead and a brunette I am predicting a Nordic type white blonde! LOL

  5. OMG! congratulations congratulations congratulations! I am so excited for you 😀 That’s great news. (It would have been if it was a boy too, but poor him having 3 sisters! LOL!)

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