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Just a few things that have happened of late before i forget…

– Justin got swooped by a magpie and it drew blood.
– the pool is brown after the dust storm yesterday
– I asked Amy how do we sing Happy Birthday and she sang it like this
‘Ha ppy birth day
Ha ppy Birth day
How it drips,
how it drips..’ which is really the tune for the watermelon song!
– Jess asked me what the difference is between a girl and a mother. Trying my best to be diplomatic I rambled on about a mum being a grown up yada yada yada, And she said “A mum has big boobs and I only have pimples”. “What do you mean ‘pimples?’ I asked her. She said, pulling up her shirt, “These things – pimples”. She meant Nipples!
– Meg’s tooth is still not loose enough to come out. Either is Jess’s. Maybe by Christmas.
– Today is Amy’s 3rd birthday. She was born at 8.14am 2006. She is so cute and so delightful and everyone loves her. I am not biased – she really is the most adorable thing ever!
– Playgroup finished up yesterday. Renovations to the school (with a Krudd stimulus grant) mean that we have nowhere to go next term. The other mums gave me a bottle of wine and box of chocolates for my hard work running the playgroup for the past 2 years. I was moved to tears. They are so precious and their kids are great too. I will miss them.

That is enough for now. I’ll remember more during the day!!