Things I cherish…

…when Jess yells out to me while watching Playschool…”Mum, today is Monday!”
…..when Amy sings Mama Mia, Material Girl and Rock DJ in the car
…when Amy dresses herself and is so proud to wear polka dot tights with a red stripey skirt and pink top.
…when Amy says “Goodnight Mummy” and then does the kiss ritual – cheek, other cheek, forehead, nose and chin.
…when Jess sounds words out and then reads them
….when Meggie laughs her Marg Simpson laugh
..when Holly stands so tall at Physie
…when Jess does freestyle at swimming lessons
….when a friend calls out of the blue to check on me
…..Mum minding Amy while I go to work
….hearing the girls giggle from the belly
…..probably one million other things but that is enough for now or dinner will never get cooked!

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