Back-tracking a bit here. Haven’t written about my birthday that was about 3 weeks ago.

When I was writing out invitations to Jess’s birthday, I got to thinking how good it would be to have my friends gathered at a party for mine. I’m always organising a party for someone or rather, so why not for me! I’d been to a few jewelery parties and a liquor party even, but the demonstrators couldn’t do the weekend of my birthday. Kate was going to be in town so too were James and Sascha as it was the weekend of Adele’s Christening. So it became an afternoon tea, ladies only (and a few kids hanging on).

The table was groaning under the weight of cake, slice, biscuits, mini quiches, breads and dips. The wine was a-flowing. Justin, the only male, turned up Abba Singstar and some belted out the tunes. About 20 of my friends, from various parts of my life came along and it was the loveliest afternoon I’ve had in an age. With my sisters (I’m including SIL’s in that), Mum and Kaye, and these gorgeous friends it was a real affirmation of the importance of gathering to celebrate. My girlfriends appreciated some time away from their small children and I appreciated them taking some time to join me, because I know how hectic life can be. So my 37th birthday was memorable and delightful.

Next party is the big 4 – 0.

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