“I’m soooooo clever”

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This is Amy just a few hours ago looking so pleased with herself for climbing up the stairs and then standing up. She is just loving the independance of crawling. She can go for anything she wants now!

I’ve been having this conversation with her all day
ME: Say Mum Mum Mum
AMY: Dadadad
ME : Try Mumumum
AMY: Dadad

And Jess declares to Amy “Ahhh you crazy little fella!”.

So a few more pics that I finally uploaded…
721 The Chocolate biscuit from a few weeks ago. It was everywhere. Amy is in the finger food phase for sure. If it come to her on a spoon she rejects it, but put it on her tray and she is at it lightening fast. My washing has risen in accordance with this.

724 Leftovers night- Jess got the rest of the icecream and ate it from the bucket. She was so thrilled with herself.
727 Holly got the rest of the yoghurt and ate it from the tub too.
730 Meg is too glam for leftovers – she just sipped on her cocktails!
733 Amy cruising around.
736 Amy and I – taken by Holly.
739 Today I found her in the pantry going for the bin. If it isn’t that it is the dustpan and broom. Why always the gross stuff?

I felt generous this morning and told Holly she could have a lunchorder. She wrote it out and I gave her the $4.80 (yikes that is inflation). My mobile rang a few hours later and when I got the message it was the school asking me to bring Holly some lunch because the Canteen isn’t open on Wednesdays! Where is my brain!!!!

Amy has gone up all three flights of stairs so better catch her. Have a great evening 🙂