The facts

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Moi tagged me to reveal 7 lesser known facts about myself. Here they are………

1) I never had long hair as a little girl. It was short up until I was in my 20’s. Don’t know why that is, better ask my Mother!

2) I don’t know how to speak any other languages, but I still remember how to count to 10 in Italian, Fench and German, from learning them in yr 7 (1985).

3) I used to think I was special because my birth year 1972 was made up of 19 (my day of birth), 7 (the month I was born) and 2 (I am the second child). Is that a numerologists dream come ture!!

4) I have terrible taste in music, never really been interested in it, but when I find something I like, I play it to death.

5) The moment I saw Justin (post school) I knew he was the one.

6) I can’t wait to be able to take an overseas trip with Justin. I’ve never been further than NZ, but my brothers, sisters, Mum and Dad have travelled extensively.

7) I’d love to have servants. Just for a week, to do all the jobs I hate. How can this be arranged!!

I tag – Lisa Penny and Caz. Go to it girls.

Ear plugs

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I once had an addiction and I am back using again. Ear plugs that is – super industrial sized, 35dB block out Ear plugs.

In trying to get Amy to settle at night I have given in. I feed her last between 9-10pm, and then the plugs go in and I don’t hear a thing. Sweet silence, serenity, dreams until 5am when I pop them out again. 3 good nights sleep in a row for me – don’t ask me how she went – I don’t know!!


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Last week, in the midst of my sleep deprived state, Dash pushed my buttons for the last time. I called him inside from harrassing a passerby and sat at the computer composing an ad for Tuesday’s Canberra Times.

Dog – 2yr old Dashund x terrior. FREE to a good home.

The weekend went by and I forgot about the ad but Tuesday morning the phone rang at 6.40am. We were sound asleep but Jus groggily answered the phone and I heard him say “the dog?”. He gave the keen woman the details and she said she’d be over at 8.30am. At 8.10am she arrived, gave Dash the once over, I told her a bit about how great he was and not much about annoying her was and she said “Right, well I’ll take him now”. He jumped into her car and we waved him goodbye. It all happened so fast that we didn’t really have time to think too much about it. Holly was quite teary, and Meg saw this so she started up too, but then said “Can we get chooks now?”. All over.

I cleared away his bedding, put away the food and water bowls and skipped for joy. Happy Happy joy joy!!

Life’s a Musical

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Jessie is so funny at the moment, singing all the time about whatever we are talking about. Holly was telling me about her friend Victoria. Jess breaks out into “Gloria, Gloria I think I’ve got your number”. Or, I say “Come here Jessica Mary” and she sings “Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow”. Jus asked her if she wanted sugar on something (?) and she whimsically starts up with “Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down”. We do set her up a bit now cause it is just so funny to hear her lettle voice pipe up in song.