Bit of an update

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Time is flying, Amy is 2 and a half weeks old, and we just had a great week here with Adas and Lin. They were such a great help – just the sort of visitors you need when you are tired and emotional and feeling fairly helpless. Lin cleaned up to have the place shining, and Adas had a Jessie Shadow which kept her mostly out of my hair so I could rest and take care of Amy. Adas cooked amazing meals for us and we even had a dinner party on Monday with Mum and Dad and James and Sascha (and Zoe).

We did a lot of site-seeing. The AIS, National Dinosaur Museum, Questacon, Floriade and of course Brand Depot (a new mega huge factory outlet place here in Canberra).

Holly and Meg arrived back from Port Macquarie safe and sound and now all seems right with the world. We are settling in to a good life with a newborn and I even managed to go for a walk this morning and the other afternoon all alone, with Ipod and no baby attachments. How much better do you feel after a bit of excercise anf fresh air – a lot!

Today is the last day of the school holidays and I’m not sure how I feel about the rat race beginning on Monday. Meg got accepted in preschool this week, so that is another event for the juggling act next year. I’m already panicing about how I’ll manage. Breathe deeply – it will work itself out!

Ok, off to get some jobs done with ABC kids is interesting and Amy is asleep. Have a great day 🙂

PS I am missing you Adas and Lin – when are you coming back 🙂


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I have 2 brothers and on Wednesday I forgot to call one for his birthday. Bad Bad sister. Happy Birthday Matt – Hope it was a good one – it being your first as a Daddy!

The second one, James, I have a bone to pick with. He does this magic trick for the kids where he gets a pencil and makes it disappear up his nose/ear etc. The kids are spellbound by it, especially Holly. Yeterday at the breakfast table Holly is playing with her ‘Ello” toys (you build little characters by sticking bits on sticks) and says

“I can do the magic trick like James”

and proceeds to push the little stick into her ear. A big Yelp later and she is bellowing about a sore ear. I grabbed my ear light (thank goodness I have one of those) and there was blood in her ear canal. I made an appointment with the GP and she said that it hadn’t perforated the eardrum, but made a scratch on it with had clotted and was going to probably be OK.

Now James – if I ever see you do that again you’ll be on the way to a smacked bottom!