Jessica Mary

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Jess is 14 months old today and is no closer to walking than she was 6 months ago! She bum shuffles her way around the house most efficiently and when she gets to her destination she stands up and holds onto the nearest things, ie, couch coffee table, legs.

She is starting to use intonation in her babbling and mimics what we say to her. “Good Girl” is her favourite thing to say, and while we are the only ones that would understand what she is saying, it gives us great joy to hear it!! She also says, “uh-oh” when she drops stuff on the floor, Nanna, dadda, mum-mum, bub and lots of other jibberish. She was gurgling away the other day and Meg came to me very sad and crying. I asked her what was wrong and she replied “Jessie called me bum-bum”.

For my girls….

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To my daughters one, two, three
How can I say what you mean to me?

You laugh and cry and fight and scream
You think I’m cool and then I’m mean!

You are so precious, and play a part
in making whole my beating heart.

From the moment you were put in my arms
I’ve been under the spell of your special charms.

Holly so tall and graceful and arty;
Meg red-headed, slight and impishly crafty

Jessica gorgeous, delightful babe
All three so different but each I made.

I’m proud of everything you do
and hope you know that I love you.

I found this poem….

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A Daughter Like You is a Very Precious Gift

Does so much to bring you joy
Adds lots of love to your world
Uplifts you with her smile
Gives you memories to cherish
Has the warmest hugs to share
Touches your heart with her sweetness
Enjoys doing thoughtful things
Radiates her own special beauty and is loved and treasured more with every year

An extra “h” here or there

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Meg has the funniest accent on some of her words. she puts and “h” before all her vowel words. Eg: Lisa’s chicken lay heggs; flap your harms like a bird; Can I eat an happle. She also has a Bitiman (ie vitiman) every morning, and loves pretending to be a bufferly (butterfly). Heaven forbid she should ever have to go to the hostibal if trappled by an efalant.