New resolutions

I woke up this morning resolving to be nicer to the kids and to not eat junk. I have failed on all accounts so far!

Why is it that I have this image that all other Mums I know are patient and gentle and sit and play with their kids all day long (reading them books and doing brilliantly fun activities) while I just want to be able to sit at the computer for 5 mins and pay a bill, or check an email, but I get constantly interuptted?? It seems that my fuse is getting shorter and I have less and less patience with things bothering me. I am terribly jaded.

And after my week away (where we ate lots of chocolate and sausages, not together mind you) I was determined to get back to eating better and power walking each morning with Dash. I did go out this monring but it was more of a stroll than anything too heart pumping. I am still feeling the effects of the flu, so that is my escuse for everything to date!

One thought on “New resolutions

  1. Maybe it’s just me as well Fran but I totally relate to your experience of motherhood detailed in this entry! “The Mask of Motherhood” (a book title) detailed this – when mothers all say it’s hunky-dory when we all know the grind that comes with it.
    Maybe there really are some perfect mothers out there – but if so, I haven’t met them. My sister says (also based on a book title), that one doesn’t have to be a perfect parent (nor will they ever be) – but just a ‘good enough’ one!
    Good luck with the eating and exercise but for what it’s worth – you always look fantastic anyway!

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