One of those days

You know when you wake up and just know that it is going to one of those days. I am there. Reasons for my angst…

Last night sat up and watched some of the Biggest Loser finale and recorded the ending – went over time, didn’t it ..and we missed the winner!

We are desperate to get Amy toilet trained. She is 3 and a half for goodness sake, but also the most stubborn child of ours. She wears a nappy to bed and it is always full in the morning. She times it so that her bowel movements are always in the nappy. She has never done a poo on the toilet and pretty much refuses. We are over it, so last night in all of Justin’s wisdom, he set a cold turkey ban on night nappies. I put a waterproof sheet on the bed and thought that maybe, just maybe, she might get through, but was cross because this was a dumb idea and I would be the one left cleaning up the mess. Helllllloo, guess what happened? 11.15pm and Amy wakes me up with soaking clothes. I have to get up, I have to remake the bed, I have to do the washing. Justin gets the glare and the cold shoulder!

Putting out said washing and some of the other things are clearly not cleaned properly – redo the bloody washing.

In amongst all that is bootcamp which was really tough this morning so I am tired and sore, the kids are non-stop bickering and we have an awfully messy house. I have to go into work today to see my new office space and get a run down of what is going to happen, and I am freaking out about the parking, the drive to work and leaving Justin in change of the kids.

Woe is me. I’m just a bit over done. Rant over….

2 thoughts on “One of those days

  1. Justin has to change Amy and the bed if she wakes in the night. You do the washing of the sheets.

    Tell Amy there is no dessert or lollies or cake or something she likes to have until she does a poo in the toilet.

    Send her to Melbourne – I will sort it out!!!

    Do you need me to come and nanny for a while!!! xxxx

    Sending love your way….think Hong Kong!! xxxx

  2. Frannie, Honey – come to camp Crowe for some R & R…..Amy will sort herself out, and I agree with Kate – LET JUSTIN WASH!!!

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