Moving along

2 weeks ago, the ENT specialist that I work for discussed with me the possibility of a new job. The Canberra Hospital is finally opening an Audiology Department (it is the only major hospital in a capital city that doesn’t have one). So after many years, this is going ahead, and he is on the panel that is driving its implementation. He asked if I wanted the job as Audiologist which would entail 2 half days a week. Perfecto! This is just what I need – a few hours now, so that I can build up and by the time Amy is at school be working nearly everyday. Sweet.

So I have been calling and emailing the project officer and haven’t heard back from her once. I am a little nervous that someone will sweep in and take the job from under my nose, but on the other hand, I know how hosptials work and that they never do anything till the last minute. So I have my fingers and toes crossed that it will all come to fruition and that in a few weeks time I’ll be working in my new job.

I also figure that the only way for me to be thin is to work. Too much eating while at home!!