9 Sleeps till Christmas

Jess Amy and I had a photo with Santa yesterday at Brand depot. I thought I would never prise Amy off me, but she did sit still long enough. I was the only one smiling though! With thoughts of going to WA in under a weeks time I haven’t really given much effort to the girls presents, so it will be very low-key this year. With renovations and a trip to Perth I think that is enough!!

Speaking of the reno’s, we are nearly finished the painting, and then that will be it for out there. After new year, we’ll get the doors done and the verandahs back on upstairs (they had to to taken down because of the roof restoration). After that I dearly want the front yard landscaped and a courtyard built as it currently looks like the moon surface – bare and uninhabitable. All in good time is guess.

The last few weeks have been busy with Christmas Parties where I have been meeting up with old friends and remembering what their friendships meant to me. On Sunday I am standing in as God Mother to a very dear old friend’s daughters Christening, as the real godmother can’t make it, so that is very special to me. James and Ro will also be visiting this weekend and this will be a tough time for them as they would have had their baby with them this Christmas. I am so glad that both these friends make an big effort to keep in touch and are willing to accept me into their busy lives even though we don’t see each other all the time. It really is a blessing.

Holly and Meg were in a Dancing Competition weekend before last, and I am proud to say that they both came first in their sections. They both got trophies and sashes and medals and certificates, so you can imagine how thrilled both they and I were. Holly also came away with the Teachers Award, which is for the girl who has manners and is happy and polite (you know the drill, a delight to teach…blah blah blah), and they added that she has so much potential she could go on to be a great champion. The day before this event Holly was going to give it up, but now she reckons she’ll give it another year!

Lots more happening, but I am getting interrupted by the kids. Have a great Christmas.

3 thoughts on “9 Sleeps till Christmas

  1. Just to let you know I still read your blog. 🙂
    I called in on you the other day but you must be in Perth already.
    I am not working in 2009 so will hopefully be able to restart having coffees again if you’re interested!

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