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I had another massage on Sunday and it was so relaxing that while she was doing my shoulders and face I fell asleep, only to wake up with a big snore! How embarrasing! The lady was kind enough to say that it happened all the time 🙂

All the while Justin was braving Kid City with all our kids and about 500 others who happened to have birthday parties that day. Meg was at a party for her preschool friend, so Jess and Holly just had to watch her enjoying the games and cake and lollies etc. It was too much for Jess to bear. When I got there after my massage, Justin was so over the place and swore that if he saw another coin slot pair of jeans he would lose the plot. We just don’t get the fashion of low tight jeans with muffin tops hanging over and an illegal amount of bumcrack showing. Don’t their mothers tell them it looks awful? Apparenty not! So we left the booners behind, came home and put everyone to bed.

It was such a nice day on Saturday so we took the bikes down to the lake with a picnic lunch. The girls raced them up and down the esplanade. Meg’s little legs were pumping her dirt squirt so fast I though she might take off. Then we had a few races with me running and the girls on their bikes. There would have been a time that after one race I’d be puffed out, but I was like the Energiser Bunny – kept going and going. Good fun. After that we went into the National Art Gallery to give the girls some culture (!) where Jess immediately went up and touched a painting. No sooner were the words “Jess dont touch” out of my mouth, when a security guard came over, told me off, then wrote in his little notepad about this most shocking event. We got out of there as quick as we could mostly to escape his threatning looks. He must have radio’d through to the other guards to warn them about our tribe because there were more frostly glares wherever we went!

Penny you will be pleased to know that I have hung my mosaic and it looks terrific. You’ll be even more surprised to know that I have begun another. This time to hang out near the pool.

That is about it for the weekend wrap up. Amy sees the Specialist tomorrow afternoon. I’ll let you know how it goes.

See ya!

One thought on “Massage

  1. that is funny about the snoring in your massage!!!!

    It has happened to me though, so dont feel bad.

    How did Amy go at the specialist?

    Kate xx

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