He’s arrived…

My new nephew has entered the world. Welcome Samuel Joshua Knight. He was born at 8.20am today which is 2 months, one day and 6 minutes after Amy! Amy and Sam are destined to be lifetime buddies!
Well done Lisa, I’m so proud of you.

6 thoughts on “He’s arrived…

  1. yeah…everyone has now arrived!!! I am so excited! it is going to be a noisy Christmas..but a great one.

    Well done to all the new babies!!

    see you in 4 weeks,
    Kate xxx

  2. Congratulations on being an aunty again Fran!
    And Congratulations to Lisa, Graham, Hamish and Andrew! And Welcome Samuel!
    Great news!

  3. Fantastic!! Congratulations on your new nephew Fran.

    And a HUGE congratulations and well done to Lisa. 🙂 Welcome Samuel.

  4. And so the seats at the Christmas table are now full!

    I cant not believe there will be four new little people at Christmas this year!

    SO happy to hear/see that Lisa is ok [Yay you Lis] and that Sam has arrived safely, 2006 has been a very big year and your Mum and Dad must be overjoyed!

    P.S Santa is going to need a truck – a sack just aint going to do!

  5. Sorry I didn’t respond earlier! My Blogarithm didnt tell me you updated!

    Congratulations on the gorgeous bubs, you wonderful Aunt! So cute!

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