Ultrasound went well on Tuesday, had Mum and Rach there to hold my hands. Mum was looking at the screen like it was all written in Japenese, not being able to decipher any part of it at all, but Rach kept signing to me about the measurements as I couldn’t see what was going on. Currently Baby girl (yes that was at least confirmed!) is 2000gms (5.5lbs) and very squashed. They estimated a due date of 14 September, hurrah – earlier than the offical date. I am praying for that early arrival. Placenta is high, so no worries about the initial concern of Placenta Previa. All good 🙂

Busy weekend ahead with my great friend Laura coming to visit from Melbourne on Friday Night; Saturday – swimming lessons and a School Fund-Raising Function in the evening; Sunday – taking the girls to see a Banana’s in Pyjamas Show (with all the other ABC Characters like Bob the Builder, Postman Pat, Angelina Ballerina etc etc) and then Rach’s DD 6th Birthday party. Phew!

Finally managed to take some photos of the house, which I will try to put up here soon. Also a pic of my protruding belly. We’ve been so busy that there are no photos of me pregnant. How terrible – 4th baby gets neglected!! We were watching a home video during the week and it came up to when Meg was born. My stomach was huge which makes me realise how much more this bub has to grow before it can come out. The girls were spellbound while watching themsleves on the video as much smaller people. Jess and Holly are so alike it is freaky – even Jess kept asking if it was her when Holly was running around as a 2yr old.

Oh, and best of all we have the new blinds being installed tomorrow – excellent!

Enough for now – have a great weekend.

3 thoughts on “

  1. Glad to hear all is well with baby 4. Excellent news. Enjoy your busy week end and take care:)

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