Modern Motherhood

I had to delete this post becasue I got creamed over it. No matter how much bloggers say that their blog is their diary, their forum, their place to vent, their space to say what they want, it became apparant to me that even though all that maybe true, you still have to mind your P’s and Q’s becasue people can easily misinterpret what you say.

At the time I wrote this post, I’d had a bad day, felt alienated by friends, lonely and pregnant. Moving house wans’t helping. I was in an utterly overwhelmed status and thought I could write how I felt. Unfortunatly a few people took offence to what I said, and it has pretty much ruined a new friendship. No matter how much you feel you had a right to say something, you have to keep in mind how others will read it. I certainly didn’t mean to offend anyone, I was just saying how I felt, and thought that others would be able to relate.

So that is now water under the bridge and all over and done with. I still do think however, that if you randomly peruse blogs, not personally knowing the people you are reading about, it is pretty bad manners to leave nasty comments. I would never do that to someone I didn’t know, and even though this is out on the net for every Tom, Dick and Harry to read, it doesn’t give you the right to put someone down. The person that did this to me, will probably never come this way again, as it was a random thing, but if they don’t like what someone has said, they should move on and not read the blog, or get their own blog to say what they need to say (then see how it feels when people bag you out!).

OK enough said.