I caved in…

and made the cornflake biscuits too. They are so yummy and I made them extra big and added sultanas too. Hmm – I see a pattern emerging here 😉

On the weekend we moved our business office out to Mitchell (close to the new Aussie Scrap Source Warehouse – too bad they aren’t open to the public or I’d be spending a lot of lunchtimes there!). The new office is huge and has heaps of room for us to expand. There is even a little enclosed office near my desk where I can put the baby when I have to go into work to do the pays etc. It all seems to be falling into place. Now we just have to find a new house and all will be perfect.

The girls all seem to have colds and coughs at the moment. It must be the cooler nights – getting uncovered and catching a chill. Bring on the real winter – I love getting all rugged up, and anyway, all my Maternity clothes are wintery so at least I’ll have things to wear 🙂

Found this joke to give a laugh!
A three year old walked over to the pregnant lady while waiting with his mother in the doctors office.

He inquisitively ask the lady,” why is your stomach so big?”
She replied, “Im having a baby.”

With big eyes,he asked, “Is the baby in your stomach?”
She said, “He sure is.”

Then the little boy with a puzzled look asked, “Is it a good baby?”
She said, “oh yes, its a real good baby.”

With even a more surprised and shocked look he said, “Then why in the world did you eat him?”

Have agood one 🙂

6 thoughts on “I caved in…

  1. Sensational Joke!

    Ok so now you have written about them so much please put up your recipes for your cornflake goodies because now thats all I can think of!!!

    Either that or I am coming straight over!

  2. ROFL at that joke!!!
    Hey Franny you have an ABN – so shop away at Aussie Scrap Source, I say!!!

  3. P.S. And please don’t mention cornflake biscuits … (memories of my Grandma) … I am on the straight and narrow!!!

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