Rushing around

Mornings seem to be bedlam here. Getting ready for school, daycare, work and all the extra’s that it entails tends to make my mind whirl.

This morning I was getting Meg dressed, all 3 hair done, shoes on, lunches made and me showered and ready. Justin took Jess and a screaming Meg to daycare and I took Holly to school. When I got to work, already feeling exhausted, Justin told me that Meg had not stopped her tantrum when she got to daycare, but that it in fact got worse when she pronounced that she didin’t have any undies on. Her frazzled mother had forgotten her underpants – how much worse can things get for a 3 year old??

I had to laugh, but I’m sure little Meggie will not be happy with me when I pick her up 🙂

3 thoughts on “Rushing around

  1. Poor thing! (You!) It’s such a battle in the mornings isn’t it. (This morning Matt had a ‘Back to School Breakfast’ at school and left at about 5.30!!!) But I couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of Meg with no undies! xxx

  2. Today was a great day to go commando!
    Dont know why Meg would be worried unless she had a skirt or a dress on lol!

    P.S Send me clues for Moi’s challenge I promise I’l give you a cut of the winnings 😉

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