New Glasses

We picked up Meggie’s new “Barbie” glasses today. She was very excited and put them on so proudly. She wore them out of the shop, but was walking so gingerly, like the ground was moving underneath her and she couldn’t get her footing, that we had to take them off till we got home. I remember the same sensation when I wore new glasses. Everything seemed a bit circluar I guess becase of the way the glasses kind of wrap around your face. Anyway, this is her looking so Fabbo in the new specs.

We are preparing for Holly’s 5th Birthday party tomorrow. Cake is cooking away merrily in the oven, the party loot bags for home time are already done and tomorrow the jumping castle arrives at 10.30am. It is all the rage here to have “Entertainment” at your child’s party, so I gave in to the pressure and ordered a castle. The rest of the party is very low-key, not a pass-the-parcel or musical chairs in sight! Rach and Moi are coming with their kids (well half of their respective children each) as well as 6 hypo 5 year olds from Holly’s preschool. Can’t wait for tomorrow….to be over!! LOL

I also got my January Tarisota collection today in the mail. Yummo – can’t wait to do some scrappin’ . And to top it off Rach gave me a Xyron. I’m in heaven and can’t wait to givve it a go.

7 thoughts on “New Glasses

  1. They look fab!!! I’d better make sure I put Ro in her glasses (sunnies) too otherwise she’ll be jealous! Looking forward to seeing you and Rach tomorrow. 🙂

  2. Your daughter looks so pretty in her new glasses! I remember that feeling of getting the new ones too! Thanks for checking out my blog and now i have another one to read!!! Cant wait to see what you come up with using the Tarisota collection – I am thinking of investing in them!!

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