Canberra Times fun run

Today was the fun run that I dread! 10 kms of slow incline and hills, combined with the windiest season in the ACT. I told myself that if it was raining when I woke up I wouldn’t have to run, but I awoke to a beautiful spring day, so justin and the kids dropped me off at the hospital starting point.

The time went fast and much of what I remember is patchy, but I do know I was excited to do my first two kms in under 5 mins each. At the start the hustle and bustle to get going and find a gap in the crowd caused me to trip a girl over. I helped her up and on she went, but with bleeding knees!

The 5 km mark was at 25:40 which is fast for me, so I had to maintain speed. The hills were long and tiring right up to 8kms. Crossing over kings avenue bridge was a slog, but I really wanted under 55 minutes so I pushed on. The last 500 metres was rough. The end in sight but legs like jelly. Up a steep grassy embankment to the home stretch. Finish line there, cross over and check watch. Ahhhh, good time. Happy.