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Finished 4 seasons of Battlestar Gallactica (79 episodes over a few months) and was missing it terribly! Real TV is just not cutting it.

Lisa gave me a book for my birthday called BossyPants by Tina Fey. She is the woman who took off Sarah Palin in the last US Election. She is a comedian on Saturday Night Live which is a show we don’t get here in Australia. Anyhoo, she is so funny. I could really connect with her humour. All through the book she was talking about her new show (well a few years old by now) 30 Rock, a show about the making of a TV show. So in the absence of any more seasons of BG, I suggested to JF that we watch some of 30 Rock and see if it grabs us. Well we are totally addicted. Into Season 2 now, each episode is 20 mins long, and that is perfect for my bedtime routine. Kids to bed, watch 2 eps (sometimes 3) and get to bed myself. Perfect. Not to mention that the show is hilarious and very entertaining. Check it out if you can. Love it.