First day of school 2011

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There’s a kind of hush……

Yay they are back at school! I took the day off to:
a) be there for tea and tissues after drop off and
b) to mind Amy who doesn’t start preschool for another 2 weeks.

The girls were dressed early and helpful at getting things up and running this morning. We were so organised that we forgot to take a back to school photo! Hence this quick squinty one taken in the carpark 🙂
first day school 2011
Jess had a ‘moment’ after breakfast where she kind of freaked out that her best friend Olivia wouldn’t be at school (they moved house and schools). They have been joined at the hip since day one of preschool. Then at school she looked lost and shed a few tears but in no time her other friend Jazzie come bolting up and off they went to play, a whole toothless bunch of them! Gotta love no teeth in year 1.

Then my coffee club went to McCafe for a debrief and giggle. Phew, we all agreed, they are back at school!