Full-Time School

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Jess is there – all day! She was a bit worried this morning. She had a cry and it all tumbled out. That she might not know what to do; it might be hard; Amy will be at Possums and I’ll be all alone. Ahh – precious girl, worried that I might be lonely! I assured her that the mounting pile of work on my desk meant that I could never be lonely. She toddled off happily when I dropped her at school, and I’ll be collecting them shortly, so I really hope she was OK.

Amy was dressed in her usual array of fantasy outfits on the weekend and I got this photo of her with the HUGE dog over the road. Sadie is just a puppy…..
Amy and Sadie

We went to Possums Playschool this morning for Orientation. Amy played solo but had an absolute ball and didn’t want to come home. She will be OK there. I’m just worried about what might happen at the time she normally has a sleep and there is no blanky there! I guess she’ll learn to cope – the others had to!

This week we are back into full swing with dancing, swimming etc. The schedule is getting more complicated as they get into the older agegroups, so a bit more running to and fro. I guess this is only the beginning in terms of the taxi service.

Bootcamp is going great. Twice a week I’ve been pounding the oval with a group of women (Lisa included, she got me hooked) at 6am till 7. I just love it. Worked hard this morning and am exhausted. Just had a sleep for an hour or so and that is not like me at all! The trainer had us running, then pushups, lunges, squats, jumps and dips. Even though it is tiring, I feel that I have to put in extra effort (seeing that I am making such an effort to get there) and it is paying off in terms of how strong I have become. I think I have some side abs! I am more toned and fitter than ever before. Push-ups on my toes were once only a dream, now I can do lots of them. It is helping with my overall fitness and making running a lot easier. I did a 6km run yesterday and it felt easy compared with 5km that I did say this time last year. While the body holds up, I’ll keep going. Also, we had a boy come to class today and I had to kick his butt. We just can’t have young blokes rocking up thinking that they can whip us!
