Innocent or Guilty?

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Of late the girls have really been testing our patience and the boundaries of sisterhood with their niggly arguments and petty grievances. A push and a shove here, and pinch and scratch there followed by tears and bellows of pain that would make you believe they were lying in a pool of blood. None of them are exempt – they re all excellent at hurting one another.

This morning I had had enough of the drama. They all sat in front of me, on the receiving end of a bit of emotional blackmail and a bit of shouting to mix it up. I had them enthralled at my appeals for respect, my plea for each others personal space, my orders for better behaviour. Amy pips up with “I not naughty, I Happy” as if to say What is the problem Mum? It’s all good from my end.

I’m a little hoarse from the experience, but hoping that I have had some impact of the way they act with each other. It is frustrating and depressing to deal with kids conflicts all day long. Most of the time I can cope with the squabbles, but my bucket is full to overflowing at the moment.

I need to go for a long run 🙂


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Before the sun came up this morning, Jess comes bolting into our room, waking us up with a delighted yelp “My tooth is Wobbly!“.

And it really is.

She even holds her head still with her hands so that you can get maximum wobbliness when you touch it!

Edited later to add….

Jess couldn’t wait to tell everyone about this tooth. One friend said “That is early isn’t it?” . Yes, she is only in Preschool and yes, I am very touchy when it comes to this little girl. She is tall and strong, more like a 7 yr old than 5. But pretty! OMG she is gorgeous and intelligent and will go far in life. I want to protect her forever. Anyway, I digress (I am a bit emotional today!!). This email came from Kate when Jess told her about the tooth…

Dear Jessica,

WOW…you have a wobbly tooth. That is great news, it means that your adult tooth is now big and strong and ready to come to the top, so it is going to make your baby tooth pop out.

It means that you are getting older and wiser…and growing way too fast….I think I will definately have to put that brick on your head to stop you from growing!!!

lots of love
Kate xxxxx

Thank you Kate. I couldn’t have put it better myself xxxx