A Baby

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Last week Justin and I were so deeply saddened to hear that our good friends James and Rowena had given birth to a stillborn baby. A beautiful and perfect boy, named Thomas, whose entry into the world was not as expected and is now in heaven leaving his parents with empty arms and troubled hearts.

Ro was 35 weeks pregnant, felt no baby movement for a while, went to the hospital and discovered a tragedy. She bravely was induced into labour and gave birth to him a few hours later.

The funeral was a most respectful and beautiful service. That tiny coffin made me cry every time I looked at it. And poor James and Ro, grief stricken to be farewelling a life that never go to be, a face that never smiled, hands that never got to grasp, feet that won’t ever take a step. A person they will never get to know.

My heart aches for them and I hope they get through this awful time by leaning on each other.

A little Angel now in heaven.
