Going stir-crazy!!!??? Question and Statement

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A few things are really starting to bug me.

1. My solicitor for the house sale (and purchase) is a BAD communiicator. For example I send her an email asking 2 questions and she replies only acknowledging one. At first I thought this was becasue she was busy, but now it is really starting to get on my nerves. I feel like I am totally in the dark in terms of the house stuff.

2. Not getting served in the shops. Today I stood in the empty chemist while about 6 staff chatted amongst themselves. Jess was screaming in the trolley so it is not as though I was being silent and invisible. After an excrutiating 5 minutes of still not getting anyone’s help I shouted out “Is there anyone serving here? I need some service”. One girl glared at me for interuptting her shelving job and reluctantly rang up the sale without apologising for the lack of service. I was miffed.

3. School banking. I thought this would be a good idea to get Holly’s savings up and running, but to tell you the truth it has been a real pain. First week of school term I sent the forms back and still have heard nothing. I rang the bank today to find out what is going on – she gave me the account number and told me to talk to the school banking person about providing a deposit book. Now isn’t that their job? According the school it is. I am so weary of this “passing the buck”. I jsut want some help and some answers.

Ok so that is my whinge for the week – promise it won’t happen again.

We were feeling a bit sorry for Dash this weekend, we are always out and about leaving him home, so we went to the market and bought the hugest bone I have ever seen. It was about as long as my elbow to tips of fingers – Meg thought it might be a dinosaur leg. Dashy got stuck into it and for about half an hour was in doggy heaven. Then it went missing. Dash was lying there with dirt all over his nose and paws, but we cannot find that bone anywhere. And it is not as though it would be easy to hide – it is so huge. So I hope her remembers where he stashed it, casue in a few weeks we’ll be gone and he won’t ever see that bone again, but the new people will think we have been mass murderers and burying the bodies in pieces all over the yard.

Thanks to Moi for a most pleasant Saturday morning tea/lunch at her place on the weekend. Very good of you to have us over 🙂

OK that is it for now. Gotta do the mad 3pm rush to pick up from school. CUL8R.