I’m tagged

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Linda tagged me, so here I go………………..

1. Do you decorate your house this time of year? if so… how? ( a photo or description. )

I have the Christmas cards displayed, the tree up, a Nativity scene set up (complete with lux flakes to be the “snow”) and that’s about it. No outside lights to speak of – Holly keeps asking, but it ain’t ever going to happen!!

2. Have you ever been in a decoration competition?

No way

3. How much is too much?

Griswald’s !! LOL

4. How do you celebrate this time of year?

The usual pattern is to have one meal at each of the parents, either lunch with my family and dinner at Justin’s family etc, but last year and this year we leave town completely and go West to Perth to be with Justin’s Dad and sister.

5. Who’s job is it to wrap all the Christmas gifts? Will you (or whoever) use gift bags, or wrapping paper?

It’s my job, and if I didnt do it, no one would! I just use wrapping paper, and as I always have a heap of pressies to wrap.. Santa wraps his pressies too…. I just buy cheapie paper from Big W. That was Linda’s reply and it is exactly what I would have said!!

6. What do you dislike most about the holiday season?

I hate having to race around town splitting the day to be with different families. I hate the signs of dissappointment when we say we have to go to the “other”family, and I hate toys that don’t come with batteries!!

7. What are your top 3 fav Xmas songs.

All time favourite is “O Holy Night (Night Divine)” , then Joy to the World, and Away in a Manger

8. Real tree or fake?

I love the real thing, but we have a fake one!

Thanks Linda! Now I am gonna tag……..Julie Love….As if you aren’t busy enough Julie, thought I’d throw this one your way!!

It’s a BOY

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I’ve just spoken to my very tired, but elated friend Jane, who gave birth to a beautiful boy at 3am this morning.

After 17 hours, head posterior and still only being 8cm dilated, she had a caeser and into the world came a gorgeous boy. She hasn’t named hime yet, he spent the night in the nursury and she wanted to see him agian before deciding. But I’ll post it here with a pic when I see them both tomorrow.

A few weeks ago I was telling Jane about the strange, prehistoric, gutteral kind of moan that you make when you have a contraction, and I advised her to take some throat lozengers for the day after. Today she thanked me for that advice, casue her throat was killing her and sounded all husky and raspy – but she was prepared!!

Congratulations Jane. I’m so proud of you, and I can’t wait to hold you baby boy and give him a kiss on his forehead.