From Ears to Computers

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Despite my 5 years at uni and 9 years as a practicing Audiologist, next Thursday I’ll be starting my new career in Website training. Justin and I run our own IT business, and I have been doing the MYOB for the past 3 years. In july of this year I started to work in the office 1 day a week and dabbled in a bit of website design. Recently Justin had me do an entire site, and now I am up for training the client on how to use it. It is pretty dam exciting I must say, and I am feeling really proud of myself right about now;)

My Parents

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I have just come to realise how wonderful my parents are, well not just, but I had a light-bulb moment yesterday, when it dawned on me that I have been raised by an amazing couple.

When we were growing up, we had a huge family – us with 5 kids, and my dad’s 5 sisters with 5 each, and Mum’s sister with 4 (yeah, yeah we are all Catholic, lol !!), so family gatherings were always on a major scale. As we grew up, there were always friends over, friends parents, an aunt or uncle, grandparents, lady next door etc, and never once did my parents say that someone couldn’t stay for dinner, or have a drive home, or stay the night if they needed to. Everyone was always welcome and my parents made that person feel special, which in turn made us feel special. As we got even older, married and aquired in-law extras, it was always understood without the words ever having been spoken, that these extras were now part of the family too.

I am very lucky to have had the exposure to such a loving upbringing, and I actually told my parents this yesterday. They were touched. I just to tell them that I had assumed that all families operated in this way, but that isn’t the case, and I had taken for granted their unselfish nature. It is never to late to tell your parents that you love them and appreciate all they have done for you – I did and it was wonderful.

How cute is this girl of mine???

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I was trying to get some Christmas photos of the 3 girls, but when one was looking, the other 2 weren’t, and when Holly and Meg were looking good, Jess was crying – it just was not happening for me!! This one of Meg I just love. She has come into her own at 3, gone are the terrible 2’s and she is such a delight.

I’m going to try another photo session later today. I wanted to put them on Christmas cards for the relatives, but I may just have to settle with the other “regular” ones I have made.