Winter Joy Day 8

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We finished the Half Marathon third leg this morning.  It was warmer today -> 7C, nearly had to take my jumper off!  Meg is a good little pacer.  She pushed me to run faster than I thought I could and she proved to herself that she can run a longer than 5km distance and back it up over 3 days.  I am very proud of us both and actually got quite emotional at the finish.  Justin was at the end point with the girls, they had made a sign and had a ribbon across the path.  We ran to the line  and crashed through the ribbon like the winners of a marathon.  Then Amy and Jess presented us with our medals.  It was a lovely family moment.

After that, we headed over to Cafe Injoy for a big breakfast to satisfy our hungry and worn out selves.  It was perfect.


great Challenge and well achieved.

Winter joy 2

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Still on a high from Meg’s Mega run yesterday.   But today is a new day….

-7C this morning in Canberra. Twas a treadmill run kind of day.  However now, at lunchtime, there is sun shining and not a cloud in the sky. This was a tree on my walk around the hospital block. And this is a shadow of me!!


Lovely winters Day.

Winter joy 1

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Meg running today at the ACT cross country comp. She came 4th in under 13s landing her a spot in the ACT team. Nationals are late August in Melbourne.  Her coach is my yr 9 pastoral teacher!!

So proud of Meg. She has taken every run and training session seriously and improved so much over the past 12 months. She totally deserves her spot on the team. Well done Meg xx