In trouble again

I knew I would be. We have just been to the Eye Specialist for a check up and 6 months ago Meg was told that she had to Patch the right eye because the left was falling behind in it’s sight and needed to catch up. 2 hours a day was all that was required, but do you think we managed that? Not even close. I had to confess that initially we gave it a good crack, but then it became a battle and then I would forget and then 6 months had passed! Both the testing girl (cranky pants as we call her, she is never happy – I am much nicer to the patients I test before they see the doctor!) and the Doctor emphasised the importance of patching the good eye and making the bad eye work harder. Now is the best time, while she is young…or else it is eye drops everyday! So this is the deal. I am setting up a reward chart. Meg has promised not to fight me when I say it’s time to patch, and at the end of 4 months, if she’s done well, I’ll take her to Melbourne. It seems to simple when it’s written here, but this bloody patching business is a real pain!

In other news, Meg told me this morning that she doesn’t need her ‘blankie’ anymore. Ever since she was born she has had this crocheted blankie that she put her fingers and toes though when she was tired and sleeping. She told me that she was growing up and didn’t want it anymore. Oh how sad. Growing up – just stop it!

One thing that makes us all laugh is when Amy says Koala. “Kolala”. Oh my baby…stay little with speech impediments forever 🙂

One thought on “In trouble again

  1. MEG….You MUST wear your eye patch every day for 2 hours….Now that I know the reward is coming to Melbourne for a holiday I am VERY EXCITED.
    I have started to plan what we can do when you arrive!!!

    Kate xxx

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