Smell that..

It is springtime in the air. Yippee.

Got to 20 degrees here today so the girls and I spent much of the day outside playing on the swings and I even did some weeding. Amy ate a lot of dirt, Meg had a few nosedives while learning how to do somersaults off the rings and Jess got stuck at the top of the climbing frame but it was sunny and warm so all was good.

We had a busy weekend as usual, but the best thing of all was dinner last night with my family. We have a lot to celebrate – Matt and Penny bought a new house, Lisa and Graham sold the house that Graham built and Mum and Dad are off to China on Wednesday. Jess is devastated that Mum is going away. She cries “Nanna is going on the plane and I’ll miss her”. I’ll miss her too. Hope you both have a great time away and come back safe and sound.

The girls saw their eye specialist today. Meg has had no changes to her prescription, but Holly has had a slight improvement in her astigmatism, so she needs new lenses. They both needed drops in their eyes and this is always a traumatic event for Holly. Even though Meg went first and didn’t even flinch, Holly was screaming and kicking and fighting the girl with all her might. It was so embarrassing.

Tomorrow I see the knee surgeon. Hoping for a date for the removal of the screw.

Gotta dash, dinner is burning on the stove!