Thank Goodness for the DVD

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I am pooped and if it wasn’t for the DVD player that is currently playing “Barbie – Pegasus” I’d be at my wits end.

Yesterday, Rach and I had a marathon efffort in filling up all the showbags for the Carnival. We had a production line happening and managed to get them all done in a few hours, as well as 300 cake stall kits (plastic plate and ingredients form in a plastic bag) to go out to the schools tomorrow. We just didn’t stop and were both aching and sore after the full day. Thanks for all your help Rach, it was insumountable on my own!

So today I am feeling tired and heavy and just need to take it easy. Hence the DVD is on. The bags are filled to the top and there is still more to go in which is stuff I haven’t receved yet. They are taking up quite a large portion of the lounge room and now each one is kind of heavy, so I am wondering how an earth I am actually going to get them to the Carnival. I’ll figure that one out later!

So Holly’s Parent/Teacher interview went well. The teacher, Mrs H, said Holly was delightful and gorgeous and so very quiet. She wishes she had a whole class full of Holly’s! Main points:

1. Holly stays on task – we were all right with this one!
2. Holly is better at language than numbers
3. Holly has trouble recognising the numbers 7, 8, 9 and 10, but can add up well
4. Her art is outstanding
5. She is making a wider circle of friends
6. She is settling into school routine well and coping very well.
7. She is so quiet and such a lovely child (reiterated a few times by teacher – I was beaming!)

So a good result after all. Just before I left to go to the interview I asked Holly one last time if there was anything Mrs H was going to tell me. She said “Well, um, it was my news day today and I didn’t have anything to tell, so I told a lie.”
Hmm, ears prick up and attention grabbed “Oh really, what did you say?”
“Well I said that Jessie had swallowed a Bratz doll head”.
Me: What the….. ! – Imagining the size of a bratz Doll head!!! How is that even possible?
“What did the teacher say?”
Holly: “She asked if Jessie had to go to hospital to have it taken out and I said no, because you were a Doctor and looked after her” – ahh, now making sense at teachers comment the other day about me being a Doctor. Well I guess this shows that she has a good imagination 🙂 Mrs H wasn’t worried when I relayed this story to her. She said that News is all about making the kids confident to stand up in front of peers and talk. It doesn’t matter if what they say is true or not! Still, I would rather that she didn’t make up tall tales!

Ok that is enought for today. Going to rest.